Did you know Offstreet has a robust, easy to manage solution for code-based validations, event parking, and guest parking?
Manual, hardware based processes can be challenging for both parkers and parking managers. From the parkers perspective, it’s a poor experience to have to park, locate a pay station, enter a code, return to their vehicle, etc. The reality is, people are busy and much less patient, especially when it comes to things like parking - they just want it to be easy. From the management perspective, administering prepaid coupon codes presents another challenge, especially when the number of uses required is unknown or hard to predict.
What if you could simplify the parker experience by replacing manual, hardware based processes with digital solutions, all while maintaining security and control over the parking lot?
Offstreet’s flexible and customizable rules engine allows parking managers to do just that. Codes can be attached to any registration setting, making it easy for parking managers to require an extra level of authentication for validations, guest parking, events, and more. Codes can be restricted per period of days, weeks, months, or given unlimited uses.
3 ways parking managers are using codes for added security:
Guest parking at residential locations
Code-based registration settings are associated with each unit and accessible through a web link or QR code. With limited uses/month, residents are able to self-manage their guest parking!
Employee parking at retail or mixed-use locations
With hybrid work environments becoming increasingly common, codes are a great way to administer first come, first served complimentary employee parking.
Event parking at hotels or event venues
Prevent event parking links from being distributed or abused while still allowing attendees to pre-register for parking using the unique registration code. No payment information, app download, or user account required!
If you’re interested in learning more, schedule a demo with Offstreet to see how this solution can secure parking management at your location.