Parking directions can now be provided by dropping a pin based on a street address or custom coordinates.
Improve the guest experience by providing an exact pin of the parking location
Real-time directions that can be accessed in advance or en route
Allows parking managers to effectively manage traffic demand, reducing congestion
How It Works:
Pin(s) to a location’s destination(s) (a surface lot, parkade, zone, building) can be set in Location Details under the “Places” section
Once set, administrators can choose which pin they’d like to direct parkers to in the Tenant or Event Details
Directions can also be disabled in the Tenant or Event Details
Parkers will see a “Get Directions” button in two places: on the Portal and in their email confirmation
Parkers will be directed to a web-mapping software: iOS devices will open Apple Maps, Android devices will open Google Maps, and desktop will open Google Maps
For more about how to set up and use Places, watch the video here
Who Has Access to This Feature:
Any users with the ability to edit a location can set an address or place for that location and its tenants/events
Want to Learn More?
Contact us to schedule a call! We will show you how to set up 'Places' in the dashboard and discuss opportunities to implement the feature at your locations.